DLI 3rd grade guide

3rd Grade Math Scope & Sequence




● Understand perimeter ● Use equations

● perimeter ● equilateral triangle

● Square color tiles

enVision 2020 Curriculum Supports

STEM Project: What Lives Here? Pick a Project: Sugarcane Crops, Interior Design, Building Builder, Reserve that Table 16-1 Understand Perimeter 16-2 Perimeter of Common Shapes 16-3 Perimeter and Unknown Side Lengths

16-4 Same Perimeter, Different Area 16-5 Same Area, Different Perimeter 16-6 Problem Solving: Reasoning

Differentiation in Action

Skill Building

Sentence Frames: Use sentence frames to build mathematical language ● The distance around the shape is _____. ● The perimeter of the shape is _______. ● The measure of the two sides that are not given are ___ and ___. ● The perimeter of a rectangle can be found by ________. ● The total measure of the known sides is ____. ● I can fnd the measure of the unknown sides by ____. ● The area of the two shapes is the same but the perimeter is different because ____.


Open Middle Problems: Rectangle Area and Perimeter Perimeter Maximizing Area Maximizing Perimeter Squares: Perimeter vs. Area Rectangles: Perimeter vs. Area

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