DLI 3rd grade guide

3rd Grade Math Scope & Sequence

● Basic facts ● Visually represent enVision 2020 Curriculum Supports

STEM Project: Animal and Plant Characteristics Pick a Project: Come Fly Away! Shopping Spree, Breathing in Trees, Bulk Shipment 10-1 Use Patterns To Multiply

10-2 Use Mental Math To Multiply 10-3 Use Properties to Multiply 10-4 Problem Solving: Look For and Use Structure

Differentiation in Action

Connecting Representations : As you teach the Visual Learning Bridge in lesson 10-1 , ensure the students understand that the place-value blocks and the number line show different ways to fnd the same product. Both can be used to skip count by 50’s to fnd 5 X 50. Continue to make connections through Topic 10. Pick a Project : Project 10B, Shopping Spree (pg 380A)- Have the students do the project as written and then have them extend their thinking by adding to their table to fnd out how many items would come in boxes 6 and7.

Skill Building


Interdisciplinary Connections


STEM Project: Animal and Plant Characteristics

Strand: Effects of Traits on Survival Standard 3.2.4: Construct an explanation showing how variations in traits and behaviors can affect the ability of an individual to survive and reproduce. Examples of traits could include large thorns protecting a plant from being eaten or strong smelling fowers to attracting certain pollinators. Examples of behaviors could include animals living in groups for protection or migrating to fnd more food.

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