DLI 3rd grade guide

3rd Grade Math Scope & Sequence




● Place-value strategies ● Estimation ● Visually represent

● regroup ● conjecture

● Place-value blocks

enVision 2020 Curriculum Supports

STEM Project: Changing Environments Pick a Project: Skyscrapers, Receive the Receipt, Making Time for Space

9-1 Use Partial Sums To Add 9-2 Use Regrouping To Add 9-3 Add 3 or More Numbers 3-Act Math: Fun Raiser 9-4 Use Partial Differences To Subtract 9-5 Use Regrouping to Subtract 9-6 Use Strategies to Add and Subtract 9-7 Problem Solving: Construct Arguments

Differentiation in Action

Think-Pair-Share: After discussing the Visual Learning Bridge on lesson 9-2, have precision partners work together with place-value blocks to model each addend. Have partners explain each regrouping and why it works.

Skill Building

3-Act Math: Deepen understanding with an additional 3-Act Math task with the class.


Interdisciplinary Connections


STEM Project: Changing Environments Strand: Effects of Traits on Survival

Standard 3.2.6: Design a solution to a problem caused by a change in the environment that impacts the types of plants and animals living in that environment. Defne the problem, identify criteria and constraints, and develop possible solutions. Examples of environmental changes could include changes in land use, water availability, temperature, food, or changes caused by other organisms.

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