DLI 3rd grade guide

Grade 1 - 3 DLI CSD Math Block 55-60 minutes

Pre-Topic Collaborative Planning: • View Professional Development video/Listen and Look for videos and discuss skills and standards to be taught. • Identify and discuss topic objectives, learning intentions and success criteria. • Identify topic vocabulary to be taught and displayed in each classroom. • Identify formative and/or summative assessment questions to determine mastery of the standards and skills being taught in the topic. Throughout the Topic Collaborative Planning: • Refect on formative assessment data to inform on-going instruction, re-teaching, reinforcing and extending learning. After the Topic Collaborative Planning: • Review summative assessment data to inform re-teaching, reinforcing, and extending learning

enVision 2016 or 2020 Instructional Materials

Numeracy Component


Focus of Instruction



Focused Cumulative Review: • Targeted skill defcits identifed through formative assessments to review (CFA, exit tickets, white boards, Quick Checks, etc.) • Cumulative review of previously taught skills and standards

• Daily Common Core Review • Review What You Know (topic opener) • Vocabulary Review • Systematic Vocabulary Routine • Vocabulary Activity (Topic Opener)

• Pre-teach: Another Look Video



• Academic Vocabulary • A-Z Glossary


• Teach appropriate vocabulary using the Systematic Vocabulary Routine


• Learning intentions: What are the students going to learn? Why are they learning this? • Success Criteria: How do students know they have mastered the skill/standard? How does the teacher know the students have mastered the skill or standard? • Language Objectives: How will students demonstrate learning through reading, writing, speaking or listening? Develop the Concept: • Acquisition: Students develop understanding of skills through the CRA Model ◊ Concrete: Hands-on manipulatives) ◊ Representational: Visuals (pictures, drawings, or video) ◊ Abstract: Symbolic (using numbers or algorithms) • Automaticity: Students perform skills fexibly, accurately, and effciently • Application: Students apply skills to solve problems in new contexts Checks for Understanding: • Review What You Know, Quick Check, Convince Me! (3-5) Do You Understand? (K-2), Prevent Misconceptions

• Learning Intention and Success Criteria are posted and are referred to at the beginning, throughout, and at the end of the lesson. • Learning Intentions and Success Criteria include both content and math practice standards

Teacher Clarity


• Problem-Based Interactive Learning • Visual Learning Bridge • Guided Practice • Independent Practice • 3-ACT Math Tasks • Quick Check • Math Practices Posters • English Language Learners Handbook • ELL Toolkit • Language Support Handbook • Building Fact Fluency Kits • Review What you Know • Convince Me (3-5) • Do You Understand? (K

• K-2 Interactive Math Story (Topic Opener) • Solve and Share (PBL) • Visual Learning Animation Plus • Math Tools • Math Practices Animations

Concept/ Skill Development

30-40 min

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