DLI 3rd grade guide
3rd Grade Wonders Argumentative Rubric
Purpose, Focus, and Organization (4-point Rubric)
Evidence and Elaboration (4-point Rubric)
Conventions of Standard English (2-point Rubric) ● Shows a satisfactory understanding of grammar and spelling ● Includes small errors, but no patterns of errors ● Use of punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, and spelling is satisfactory
● Stays somewhat focused on the purpose, audience, and task ● States the claim, but sometimes the claim isn’t clear ● Uses a few transitional strategies, such as the use of signal, or linking, words and phrases, to show how ideas are connected ● Has an uneven progression of ideas ● Has an unsatisfactory introduction or conclusion ● Shows some relationship to the topic but shows little awareness of the purpose, audience, and task ● Has little or does not make a claim ● Has little or no organization ● Has confusing or unclear ideas ● Uses a few or no transitional strategies ● Has many unrelated ideas that make the essay difficult to understand ● Show little understanding of the topic
● Gives some very basic support of the claim ● Has unsatisfactory examples of evidence, or supporting details, with few references to multiple sources ● Uses a few elaborative techniques ● Uses imprecise or simple expression of ideas ● Uses inappropriate or unsatisfactory academic and domain-specific language ● Uses only simple sentences ● Gives very little support of the claim ● Has little, if any, use of sources, facts, and details ● Has very little or no examples of evidence from the sources ● Has little or no relevant or accurate evidence ● Uses and expression of ideas that is not clear or is confusing ● Inappropriate or unsatisfactory academic and domain-specific language ● Uses only simple sentences
● Shows a partial understanding of grammar and spelling ● Includes many errors inusage ● Has an unsatisfactory use of punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, and spelling
● Shows a lack of understanding of
grammar and spelling ● Includes serious errors, making the essay difficult to understand
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