DLI 1st grade guide
Literacy Block: The Canyons School District Literacy Block is aligned to the USBE Literacy Framework which is a comprehensive daily schedule that includes a minimum of 150 minutes of protected Tier 1 universal core instruction. Literacy components in the Block follow the recommendations of the USBE framework and align to the Simple View of Reading (Gough and Tunmer, 1986). These elements include, phonemic awareness, phonics, fuency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, in the Simple View, with the additions of writing and oral language. You will fnd the Simple View of Reading explained further on the following page. The continuum of phonology and phonics is further explained, using the hourglass fgure (Tolman), in an additional page titled, Phonological Awareness and Phonics. Close Reading: Close reading is an instructional routine in which students critically examine a complex text, through repeated readings, annotations, collaborative conversations and text dependent questions. Close reading is the instructional routine used during Language and Reading Comprehension block. Close reading sets up instruction for Structured Classroom Discussion and Writing tasks. The Literacy Block also allows for up to 30 minutes of reading and writing in the disciplines of science or social studies as part of the literacy block. Utilizing the interactive notebooks in both science and social studies, and primary source documents in social studies, are ways that reading and writing can be embedded into content areas. 5 day K-1 and 10 day 2-5 day plan for instruction: follows the 95% and Wonders curriculum. The 5 day/10-day plan helps teachers to prioritize all the elements in Wonders to best utilize time and to provide the best elements for student growth. The 5-day/10 day plan also details when to use other district provided resources. Scope and Sequence: contains a yearly overview , fexible pacing and Scope and Sequence for teaching standards utilizing 95% and Wonders . In grades K-2 much of the time for instruction should be based on students understanding decoding and becoming fuent with foundational skills. Then add in shared reads and close reads of more complex text. The Scope and Sequence in grades 3-5 should frst build around the close reading of complex text contained in the Wonders. Then add in the foundational standards using 95% Phonics Core Program and Multisyllabic Routines to support reading and to give students opportunities to cement the foundational skills learned in K-2 and move to more complexity with multisyllabic words.
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