DLI 1st grade guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
1stGrade Embedded Standards
There are a few standards that have not been represented as targeted standards in the units. Below are those standards and the rationale for not being represented.
Strand: Speaking and Listening (1.SL) Standards 1.SL.1-3 are part of the daily routine of teaching English Language Arts. Within the ELA curriculum the collaborate icon reminds teachers to engage students in conversations about text using age appropriate skills and responses. ● Standard 1.SL.1: Participate effectively in a range of conversations with various partners, using age-appropriate vocabulary on topics and texts. a. Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges while using appropriate tone and body language. b. Express own ideas clearly in small and large groups and build on others’ ideas. ● Standard 1.SL.2: Speak clearly and audibly while expressing thoughts, emotions, and ideas while asking and answering questions. ● Standard 1.SL.3: Use age-appropriate language, grammar, volume, and clear pronunciation when speaking or presenting and use visual displays, when appropriate, to describe or clarify information toothers. Strand: Reading (1.R) Standard 1.R.5 attends to students using text as evidence to answer questions, construct arguments, narrate or explain details in a text. Using the ELA curriculum, students are constantly moving through text daily, citing evidence and inferences with each text set. ● Standard 1.R.5: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. (RL & RI) Standards 1.R.8 & 3.R.9, attend to various components of word knowledge and vocabulary. Within the ELA curriculum, vocabulary is explicitly taught and highlighted every day. Therefore, these standards are intertwined throughout daily, weekly and unit over the course of the year. Consistent focus on these standards is essential to build background knowledge and make gains with reading comprehension. ● Standard 1.R.8: Identify specifc words and phrases that express emotion, appeal to the senses, and/or determine the meaning of content-specifc words within a text. (RL & RI) ● Standard 1.R.9: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases, choosing fexibly from a range of strategies. (RL & RI)
a. Begin using sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word. b. Identify frequently occurring root words and their infectional forms. Strand: Writing (1.W)
Standard 1.W.4 has opportunities across content areas for research. This standard is taught during the extended writing portion of the ELA curriculum. It is also part of the inquiry space found in the online portion of the curriculum. ● Standard 1.W.4: Participate in shared research and writing projects. a. Recall information from experiences or learned information. b. Interact and collaborate with others throughout the writing process.
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