DLI 1st grade guide
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Digital Text Resources Digital Resources listed below allow teachers free access to additional text to support topics and themes in content. These texts can be used as paired readings to support practice with close reading, building background knowledge and writing tasks (prompts) in ELA, science and Social studies. ● Before using any digital resource be sure the resource has been vetted by the LEARN platform ● Any resource listed below is free. If you are asked for payment, please verify with ISD before purchase.
Grade Levels
OverDrive is a service offered by Canyons District Libraries that lets students and teachers borrow digital content such as eBooks and audiobooks anytime, anywhere. OverDrive is currently being used in over 38,000librariesandschoolsworldwide. OverDrive content is found in your school’s library catalog.
K-12 Overdrive
http://tweentribune.com The Smithsonian provides news articles for K-12 students.
Tween Tribune
https://www.getepic.com/edu cators Free account is needed with your education email. http://go.galegroup.com/ps/s tart.do?p=ITKE&u=pioneer Be sure to access through UEN for free account http://onlinelibrary.uen.org Need to login with password or be on CSD network http://wonderopolis.org Free account needed for access with educator email.
Kids' eBook subscription service that offers thousands of high-quality books from well-known publishers like HarperCollins, National Geographic.
K-12 Epic Books
Part of the UEN Utah’s Online Library. Has key for content and level.
Data base sends the pdf and html of the fles. Many commonly known periodicals are part of the data base. With multi-disciplinary content that purposefully aligns to Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and STEM. Teachers can use the daily Wonder to jumpstart student thinking. Many resources including the online science books. There are additional resources if you scroll to the bottom of the page. Library of nonfction and literary articles, along with reading comprehension and vocabulary lessons, assessments, and teacher guidance.
K-12 Wonderopolis
UENOpen Educational Resources
K-12 Read Works
Learn Zillion
https://learnzillion.com Contains a close reading library collection. Free resource with a free account.
Current events. Some are free, some have subscription.
2-5 Time for Kids http://www.timeforkids.com
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