DLI 1st grade guide
Skills-based small groups are organized using Acadience Reading data. Consider student language profciency levels, social emotional needs and IEP / 504 goals when determining skills-based groups. Use the Acadience Initial Instructional Grouping tool to sort students for the Skills-based groups. Make adjustments if any data suggests that a student is not on track with core component(s). Use the Focus of Instruction & Materials to align student needs and resources to support instruction. In the fall, use the Skills-based Small group Time Planner to establish expectations and routines for implementing the skill-based groups. The planner outlines a timeframe for implementing practice stations and groups until students can maintain independence at a satisfactory level. Students not meeting with the teacher-led group will participate in practice stations or meet with another adult during skill-based time.
Suggestions for Practice Stations
Social Studies and Science Connections Wonders Center Activity Cards
Targeted Reading with aligned purposes and tasks Lexia, Amira, Reading Plus or iReady
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Writing Assignments
Research and Inquiry Projects
Keyboarding practice
Technology supports (apps, websites)
First read of Leveled Readers to prepare for Close Reading
Practice of previously learned material
Materials and Resources for teaching groupings for Skills-based small group instruction can be found in the Intervention Manual on the Elementary Bookshelf. canyonsdistrict.org/manuals
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