DLI 1st grade guide
1st Grade Scope & Sequence
Instructional Materials: Wonders Text Set 4 STANDARDS
● Standard 1.R.7: Describe characters, settings, and important events in a story (RL) or pieces of information in a text. (RI) ● Standard 1.W.3: Write narrative pieces that retell two or more events. Provide details regarding the events using temporal words in sequential order and provide a concluding statement. ● Standard 1.W.4: Participate in shared research and writing projects. Embedded standards: 1.R.5, 1.R.8, 1.R.9, SL 1-3 Essential Question What sounds can you hear? How are they made? Vocabulary distract nervous senses squeaky volume Essentials Title Literature Big Book N/A Interactive Read Aloud “The Squeaky Bed: Genre: Folktale Shared Read “Now What’s that Sound” Genre: Realistic Fiction Lexile: 240L Anchor Text Whistle for Willie Genre: Realistic Fiction Lexile: 4520L Paired Reading “Shake, Strike, Strum!” Genre: How-To Text Lexile: 290L Extended Writing: Narrative: How-To Article ● Literature Anthology: Shake! Strike! Strum!
Reading ● Events: Problem and Solution Writing ● Narrate ● Write About the Text
● Prompt: Talk about the ideas for your how-to text. Draw some of your ideas. Choose something to write a how-to text about. Describe what your how-to text will teach others to do. Think about the steps.
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