Canyons School District Physical Therapist Self-Reflection Tool This tool is designed to assist the physical therapist (PT) in determining areas of strengths and areas for which additional professional development is needed. At the beginning of the school year, the PT should reflect on each skill and rate each as follows: 1 = I need more information and training to further develop this skill; 2 = adequately developed; 3 = A strength area for me; N/A = Not applicable. The results should be used to create a professional development plan for the year. Name: Date: Current name of school(s) served: Current number of students served with IEP: * Instructions: When complete, send this document to the Administrator and Related Service Providers Coordinator. Rate your skill level on each item listed below. Using the following rating scale: 1- I need more information and training to further develop this skill 3- This skill is a strength area for me 2- This skill is adequately developed for me 4- Not applicable

Performance Objective


1 2 3 N/A


Demonstrate knowledge and skills in physical therapy and related subject areas

Demonstrates knowledge of assessment and treatment in: motor skills and issues that need modifications •

Adapted from American Physical Therapy Association, APTA. All rights reserved


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