22. Uses a variety of assessments 23. Provides feedback for student responses 24. Positions self and student(s) for maximum effectiveness 25. Creates a climate that provides appropriate learning opportunities for students 26. Shows flexibility during session 27. Displays sensitivity to student’s frustration level, facial expressions, non verbal cues 28. Reviews progress with student 29. Interacts appropriately with students 30. Provides feedback for student responses 31. Provides follow up programs for school and/or home, when appropriate 32. Monitors student progress 33. Addresses behavior issues and enforces consequences
Standards IV
Total Score:
Score Rating 89-75 Highly Effective 74-60 Effective 59-46 Minimally Effective/Emerging Effective 45 and below Not Effective
OT Final Rating: Evaluator Signature : O Signature :
Maria Hawley 2017
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