Canyons School District Physical Therapist Observation Evaluation This tool is designed to assist principals in determining areas of strength and areas for which additional professional development is needed for Physical Therapists (PTs). APTA Standards – I, II, III Name: Date: Start time: End time: Current name of school(s) served: Current number of students served with IEP: Be sure to mark items observed during the school year, which may include: classroom visits, IEP Meetings , and weekly special education meetings. Rate your skill level on each item listed below. Using the following rating scale 0 -Did not meet expectations 1 -Could use further development 2 -Satisfactory 3 -Exemplary (Only applies to certain scales)
Performance Objective
0 1 2 3
1. Session objective directly correlates with IEP goals 2. Activities chosen are appropriate for and support the session objective 3. Positions self and student(s) for maximum effectiveness 4. Materials are appropriate for developmental level of student(s)
Standard I
Standard II
Maria Hawley 2017
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