Observation Day The Related Service Provider should have the following readily available: 1. Copy of the Student(s) IEP goal(s)
Each Cycle Includes:
1. One formal observation , 2. Meeting Participation Checklis t 3. Ethical Conduct Checklist 4. IEP Present Levels/Goals (Student Records and Services Management 1. 2. 3. Meet with Related Service Provider to discuss observation results Following the observation, tally the total score *Use the chart on the bottom of the last page of the Evaluation Form to calculate the final rating Complete the Related Service Provider’s Observation Evaluation Form in its entirety. Be sure to mark items observed during the school year, even if not observed during the scheduled evaluation.
*Fill out Ethical Conduct Checklist *Meeting Participation Checklist
Scan and email, or copy the Performance Quality Rating (PQR) form to the following recipients for their records: *Human Resources:
Ronnie Ellingson, Elementary Jessica DeAlba, Secondary
*Related Service Provider *
5 . Complete SOR at end of the school year, scan, email or copy and send to the following recipients for their records: *Human Resources:
Ronnie Ellingson, Elementary Jessica DeAlba, Secondary
*School Administrator *
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