CTESS ebook

Standard 6 : Feedback

Uses effective feedback practices in the instructional setting to provide timely and descriptive feedback that will promote quality student work

CSD MTSS Framework Connections

High Quality Teaching and Learning

Instructional Design o Instructional Priorities o Teacher Clarity o

Intentional Planning

Explicit Instruction



Opportunities to Respond


Feedback Cycle


Data-Based Decision Making

Assessment for Learning o

Assessment System

Effective Assessment Practices

o o

Best Practices in Grading

Corresponding 2024 State Standards/Elements

1.4 Providing formative and timely feedback to guide students in self-assessment of learning and demonstration of competency to support students in understanding themselves as learners. 2.3 Planning high quality, personalized instructional activities that are informed by student progress data, provide multiple opportunities for students to reflect upon and assess their own growth and allow multiple opportunities and means for demonstration of competency. 3.2 Critically analyzing evidence from both formative and summative assessments to inform and adjust instruction and provide feedback to students to support learning and growth. 4.4 Cultivating a classroom culture that encourages rigorous learning, perseverance, and promotes critical thinking.


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