CTESS ebook
Quality of Engagement Strategies
B1. The teacher effectively uses Opportunities to Respond (OTRs) to impact student learning and/or adjust instruction. Observer considers the Instructional Hierarchy (Acquisition, Automaticity, Application), group vs. individual responding, and response strategies (e.g., verbal, nonverbal, writing, reading), when determining the level of effectiveness. Teachers adjust instruction based on student responses or engagement. Highly Evident • OTRs impacted student learning by providing a check for student understanding. AND • Instruction was validated or adjusted as a result of the OTR (i.e. students’ responses informed the teacher’s instruction). Evident • OTRs impacted student learning by providing a check for student understanding. AND • Instruction was validated or adjusted as a result of the OTR (i.e. students’ responses informed the teacher’s instruction). BUT • There were a few missed OTRs. Partially Evident • OTRs were not effective in impacting student learning. OR • OTRs provided a check for understanding but instruction was not adjusted as a result of the OTR. Not Evident • No OTRs were provided. B2. Engagement is universal: All students have multiple Opportunities to Respond (OTRs) that increase student learning (group or individual). Universal engagement means that at least 90% of the students responded to the OTR by saying, writing, reading, or doing. OTRs increase student learning by requiring students to demonstrate what they know (e.g., students engage in partner-talk, students engage in Close reading, students use whiteboards to complete a multiplication problem, students use a quick write prompt to summarize what they read, students use an electronic device to complete an exit ticket). The teacher used at least two different Universal OTR strategies. AND • Universal OTR strategies were used effectively so that all students had the opportunity to demonstrate what they know. AND • At least 90% of the students demonstrated what they know by saying, writing, reading, or doing. Evident • The teacher used at least one Universal OTR strategy. Highly Evident •
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