CTESS ebook

Instructional Priorities Observation Protocol (IPOP) – Coding


Teacher Feedback (Frequency Tally)



Teacher gives the group or an individual feedback on an academic or social behavior that indicates the behavior/response is correct . If the teacher is providing positive feedback in a sequence (makes several positive statements in a row, about the same behavior to the same student), code the sequence as one occurrence. Code a new occurrence when the teacher delivers positive feedback for a different behavior, to a different student, or when instructional context changes (e.g., whole class is given positive feedback, then individual target student is given positive feedback). Positive feedback can be verbal (e.g., “Yes, 43 is the correct answer!”) or nonverbal (e.g., teacher gives “thumbs up”), but needs to clearly indicate to the student that their response was correct. • “Thanks for submitting the assignment; I’m pleased to see it.” • “Good thinking!” • Teacher delivers a tangible reward for a specified behavior (e.g., paying attention earns another point). • High five, thumbs up. • Verbal affirmation: “Yes!”, “That’s right!”, “Correct!”, “Perfect!” “Nice job!” • Students directed by teache r to give positive feedback to a peer. “High five your elbow partner.” • Students hold up whiteboards and teacher gives positive feedback to individual students, code each instance of positive feedback. Non-examples: • “Okaaaaaay?”: Not positive feedback if it is not clear to student whether or not a response was correct. (Not coded) • “Everyone stop; you need to be folding your paper this way.” (mark as Corrective Feedback). • “Thank you for doing that.” (not coded – this is polite conversation, not feedback). Examples: • “Correct, the capitol of Wisconsin is Madison.”

Positive Feedback (P)

Feedback the Teacher Provides


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