CTESS ebook

feedback strategies.

• Rubric ratings are completed immediately following the timed Behavior Coding based on the instruction that occurred during the 20-minute direct observation.

Complete definitions and examples of all IPOP items as well as administration instructions can be found in the IPOP Coding Manual.

IPOP Feedback The primary purpose of the IPOP is to provide teachers with actionable feedback on key indicators of quality instruction that have be en shown to increase student learning. The IPOP has a “notes” section for each IPOP item in which the observer may add specific feedback comments. In addition, the IPOP includes an overall Feedback and Reflections section in order to support the teacher in ongoing professional growth. • Administrators must complete a formal IPOP by midnight the day after the observation to ensure that teachers receive timely feedback in order to incorporate that feedback into their practice. • Teachers receive an email notifying them that the IPOP has been completed and is available for their review on the CTESS Dashboard. • An IPOP Summary is also available to review that links the teacher’s IPOP results to specific benchmark criteria on the CTESS standards. For example, if the IPOP results for Feedback meet benchmark criteria, the IPOP Summary will indicate that the teacher is “on track” for an Effective rating on Standard 6: Feedback. • The IPOP Summary includes a section for the teacher’s reflection on IPOP feedback as it relates to the teacher’s Professional Learning Goal. The teacher’s reflection needs to be submitted within 5 school days of receipt of the IPOP Summary. • A face-to-face feedback session between the administrator and teacher is ideal in order to address any questions the teacher may have regarding the administrator feedback. IPOP Timing During an evaluation cycle, two formal IPOPs are required. The first observation can begin 15 days after the CTESS orientation. The second observation must occur no sooner than five school days and no later than 30 school days from the first observation excepting Career 1 & Career 2 teachers – there is no end date timeline for them. All formal IPOPs must be completed by April 30. IPOP Congruence On occasion, the two formal IPOPs may reflect very different results. For example, the first IPOP may indicate a performance that is less than effective on several key instructional strategies. After receiving high quality feedback and coaching on student engagement strategies, the second IPOP may indicate significant improvement. In this case, the two IPOP results are not congruent, meaning they are substantially different. An administrator may seek input from other administrators as well as use their professional judgment to determine congruency. When two formal IPOPs are incongruent, a third formal IPOP must be completed by the administrator in order to substantiate consistency in a teacher’s performance. The two formal IPOPs that are most congruent will be used in the IQR. A teacher can request an informal IPOP at any time to receive feedback to improve practice.

NOTE: If the results of the two formal IPOPs are incongruent, a third formal IPOP will be completed no sooner than 5 school days from the second observation.

Meeting Participation Checklist (MPC) The Meeting Participation Checklist is designed to assist administrators in providing feedback to teachers on important skills and behaviors for productive teaming. Teachers are observed during team meetings to gain


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