CTESS ebook

Standard 10: Professional Learning Engaging in and valuing constructive feedback, reflective practices, professional learning, and collaborative activities that support professional, instructional, and schoolwide improvement Learning and Teaching Evidence Evidence of Participation and Implementation of Professional Learning — Teachers document attendance at required professional development and submit a statement of how they have implemented the learned techniques in the classroom. A statement is submitted.

The following are options for evidence of professional learning that teachers may submit:

Documentation of Lesson Study - Teachers provide evidence (e.g. description, lesson plans, PLC notes) that documents the CTD Lesson Study Protocol:

Participation in professional learning offerings - Teachers complete one or more professional learning offerings during the current school year and submit statement of implementation

Participation in professional learning - Teachers provide evidence of participation (as a learner or presenter) in learning that aligns with school/district goals, pre-approved by administrator

Participation in school or district committees - Teachers provide a statement noting the school or district committees they served on during the current school year

Participation in education-related course/training - Teachers provide a statement or certificate to show that they have completed education-related coursework or training

Completion of state or district endorsement (earned within past 5 years since initial licensure) - Teachers provide a statement or transcript to show that they have completed state or District endorsements

Holds current certifications - Teachers provide a statement or transcript to show that they have completed a certification within the past 5 years

Obtains additional degree - Teachers provide a statement or transcript to show that they have completed an additional degree in their field, or educational field within the past 5 years

Engages in Public Practice - Teachers provide documentation of at least three 20-minute Peer Observations /Debriefings with peer/coach within the current school year

Completes Videoed Teaching Observations - Teachers provide written reflection of debriefings with coach, of at least two full videoed lessons


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