CSD Credit Guidelines
INTRODUCTION The purpose of this handbook is to provide Canyons School District (CSD) administrators, counselors, registrars, and other personnel with guidelines that will ensure consistent awarding of credit across CSD secondary schools. If, after consulting this document, you do not find answers to specific questions, please consult with the school administrator, the School Counseling Program (SCP) Specialist, the Instructional Supports Administrator, or the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and School Performance. 1. Regular coursework earned at CSD secondary schools. 2. Credit transferred from another accredited educational source outside CSD. 3. Make-up credits or credit earned from an accredited, educational source to make-up for failed courses. 4. Enrichment and acceleration credit or credit taken from an accredited educational source to supplement regular coursework or to accelerate toward early graduation. 5. On-line Credit taken from Canyons Online School or a USBE approved provider. 6. District-approved tests, portfolios, or other performance appraisals (e.g. District or USBE Competency Assessments). There are six types of credit that may accrue toward graduation within the Canyons School District.
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