CSD Credit Guidelines

B. UHSAA sanctioned sports that are taken as a class period durin g a student’s schedule (i.e. Drill Team, Basketball), can be used to fulfill PST or ILA credit.


Process for School Sponsored Athletic Clubs Receiving PE Credit

A. Getting a sport approved for earning credit:

Coach/Advisor of sport works with Instructional Supports Department’s Administrator and PE/Health Specialists to complete the following: i. Use Individual Lifetime Activities standards (starting on p.67) to outline how participation in season/sport meets each of the standards. ii. Create a data log/journal where students can set goals, track their progress, and reflect on participation in practice and competitions.

B. Coach/adviser is responsible for following standards outlined in the proposal as well as keeping track of student’s logs/journals.

C. In accordance UHSAA Athletic Participation Guidelines (page 10), if a student participates in a complete season of an approved school sponsored club sport that the LEA determines the sport aligns with the course standards and the students complete all requirements, the LEA may award the student 0.50 units of PE credit. The student receives credit for only one season of participation. School sponsored club sport participation may be awarded for Individual Lifetime Activities (PE Elective). D. Administrators are responsible for holding club coach/advisor accountable and supporting new coach/leaders when turnover occurs. The coach/advisor should work with the administrator over PE/Health at their school to come up with a workflow for getting credit added to students’ transcript.


Dual Enrollment

A. Guideline for Distribution of Required and Non-Required Classes

i. Utah Code & 53A-11-102.5 provides the legal basis for home and private- schooled students to enroll in public school classes or “dual enrollment.” ii. Dual-enrollment rules are further articulated in Utah State Board Rule, R277-438 Dual Enrollment. Rule R277-438-6 Miscellaneous Issues B. provides: “A student who attends an activity or a portion of the school day shall be subject to administrative scheduling and teacher discretion of the traditional school.” iii. The District administration has determined that dual-enrolled students may access required and non-required classes in Canyons District schools on an equal basis with public school students in accordance with the distribution of classes of a regularly enrolled student.

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