Nancy Tingey, President | 2 |
Amber Shill, Vice-President | 2 |
Steve Wrigley, Vice-President | 2 |
Mont L. Millerberg | 2 |
Clareen Arnold | 2 |
Amanda Oaks | 2 |
Holly Neibaur | 2 |
_______________ | 2 |
Dr. Rick Robins | 2 |
Superintendent of Schools | 2 |
Dr. Robert Dowdle | 2 |
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and School Performance | 2 |
Grading ...................................................................................... 36 CREDIT GUIDELINES COMMITTEE | 3 |
Robert Dowdle Assistant Superintendent | 4 |
Jesse Hennefer Administrator, Instructional Supports Department | 4 |
Amy Boettger Administrator, Diamond Ridge HS | 4 |
Floyd Stensrud Director, Planning and Enrollment | 4 |
Ken Rowley Administrator, Alta High School | 4 |
Tom Sherwood Administrator, Brighton High School | 4 |
Darrell Jensen Administrator, Corner Canyon High School | 4 |
Greg Leavitt Administrator, Hillcrest High School | 4 |
Bruce Eschler Administrator, Jordan High School | 4 |
Michelle Shimmin Administrator, Canyons Online High School | 4 |
Torilyn Gillett School Counseling Program Specialist | 4 |
The purpose of this handbook is to provide Canyons School District (CSD) administrators, counselors, registrars, and other personnel with guidelines that will ensure consistent awarding of credit across CSD secondary schools. If, after consulting thi... | 5 |
Introduction | 6 |
I. Graduation Requirements | 6 |
II. Course and Credit Requirements | 6 |
V. Student Aides | 9 |
A student who serves as an aide in the classroom, office, media center, etc. shall receive elective credit for the time spent in service. All grades will be either “P” or “F.” | 9 |
VIII. UHSAA Athletic Participation Guideline | 10 |
High School | 17 |
1) Canyons Online | 18 |
2) Virtual High Schools Other Than Canyons Online | 20 |
3) Diamond Ridge High School | 20 |
5) Teen Parent Program | 22 |
I. Transfer Credit from Accredited Institutions | 24 |
E. Grades, credit, and course titles submitted on a transcript from an accredited source will be transcribed to the high school transcript. Parents and students should consult with a school counselor prior to taking a course, to ensure that the cours... | 24 |
F. Courses that do not align with Canyons School District Curriculum standards may be counted for elective credit only. | 24 |
G. General concept religion courses (i.e. Religions of the World, Theology) can be counted as elective credit if student is awarded credit on their official transcript from the accredited institution. Specific religion courses (i.e. LDS Seminary, Cat... | 24 |
H. Transcripts should be transcribed without alteration to the best extent possible. However, when credits transcribed need to be amended for various reasons, documentation of changes made as well as reasoning for the change must be noted in student ... | 24 |
II. Transfer Credit from Non-Accredited Institutions | 25 |
IV. Foreign Exchange Study | 27 |
Guidelines for Make-up Courses/Programs within Canyons School District | 28 |
C. Make-up credit for any public or private accredited course will be added to a student’s high school transcript upon student and/or parent request when accompanied with appropriate documentation. Grades, credit, and course titles submitted on a tran... | 30 |
I. Out-of-District Credit (R277-705-3) | 31 |
D. When a student is registered in a Canyons School District secondary school and completes a course of study in another accredited public or private educational program, the student and/or parent is responsible for the official transfer of documentat... | 31 |
II. Early Graduation | 31 |
III. Military Training | 33 |
IV. Re-taking Courses or Taking Comparable Courses to Improve a Grade/GPA | 33 |
I. Eligibility | 35 |
II. Canyons Online Administration of Tests and Competency Assessments | 35 |
V. Grading | 36 |