CSD Coaching Playbook
Learning how to take measurable, data-driven notes can be a game-changer for coaching. More information equals a stronger debriefing. Also, more information means that a coach is likely to be able to pick up on a pattern of behaviors that he/she may want to address.
Ask the following question: What kind of data should I be picking up so that I can provide specific feedback to the teacher on our focus area during this cycle of coaching?
The type of data a coach might look for: ●
The type of data a coach might look for: ●
Whether all students follow directions the first time How many times the teacher gives directions because students are talking How long entrance, exit, and transitions take The type of feedback the teacher gives around classroom management Number of redirections in a period of time
Types of responses (verbal, written, group talk, physical) Quality of discussion with partners Quality of teacher’s academic feedback Number of whole group/individual responses Number of responses from a particular student Quality of response (complete thoughts, extended responses, use of academic language)
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Perfect practice/number of corrections
Timing or pacing of particular parts of a lesson
Rate of wait-time
Teacher talk vs. student action.
The type of data a coach might look for: ●
The type of data a coach might look for: ●
Steps the teacher takes in disciplining a student How often the teacher praises excellent behavior Number of times poor behavior interrupts instruction Whether poor behavior is by a group or individual Scripting what happened right before behavior problem (to determine a trigger point) Whether the teacher is consistent with behavior management and praise
How the teacher checks for understanding and determines whether the content “stuck” Purposeful scaffolding of instruction when students struggle to “get” a new concept Percentage of the lesson that is teach/model Percentage of the lesson that is guided practice Percentage of the lesson that is application How the teacher links new content to existing skills or content knowledge
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How the lesson begins and ends
Teacher teaching academic language vs. students using academic language
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