Butler ES Family Handbook

Butler Elementary Family Handbook 2019-2020

Butler Building Leadership Team (BLT) The Butler Building Leadership Team or BLT is made up of one teacher from each grade level, the school achievement coach and the principal. The BLT examines trends in student achievement and behavior as well as school climate. They use this information to guide and develop school policy and procedures. The 2019-20 BLT members are:

1 ​ st ​ Grade: Julien Naudot 3 ​ rd ​ Grade: Aubrey Doyle 5 ​ th ​ Grade: Kim Cope Principal: Jeff Nalwalker

Kindergarten: Erica Johnson 2 ​ nd ​ Grade: Jessica Nelson 4 ​ th ​ Grade: Parys Lightel & Lori Roper Achievement Coach: Amy Nelson

Assessment Multiple assessments throughout the year help teachers to modify and adjust instruction in order to meet the needs of each individual student. Literacy DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency ​ tests fluency (the pace a student can read with ease). Other early literacy benchmark assessments will be administered in Kindergarten and 1 ​ st ​ grade. SRI- ​ ​ (Grades 4-5) ​ The ​ Scholastic Reading Inventory ​ is a computerized comprehension assessment tool that assesses student reading levels and monitors student progress. Students read a variety of passages and answer questions to demonstrate comprehension skills. Teachers use these results as an additional point of data to assure that students are accurately assessed. Mathematics DIBELS Math Assessments ​ indicates accuracy and fluency in mathematical computation. Teachers assess students regularly in order to inform instruction and meet individual student needs. Standardized Tests A standardized test is a test administered and scored in a consistent manner in order to eliminate unexpected variables. These scores can then be compared accurately with other populations across the state, and throughout the nation. End of Level RISE Tests - ​ (Grades 3-6) ​ Each spring, students take a series of criterion-referenced tests to evaluate and assess their learning throughout the year. Students are tested on standards and objectives from the Utah State Core Curriculum in Language Arts, Math and Science. RISE replaces SAGE this year. For more information, follow the link below. https://www.schools.utah.gov/assessment/assessments ​ (Select the RISE tab.) Report Cards/Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for ​ September 25 ​ th ​ -26 ​ th ​ , 2019 and February 26 ​ th ​ & 27 ​ th ​ , 2020. You will receive more information about scheduling a time to meet with your child’s teacher. Report Cards will be sent home at the end of each term.


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