Butler ES Family Handbook

Butler Elementary Family Handbook 2019-2020

School Day Appointments If your child has an appointment during school hours, please sign him/her out in the office. The office staff will call your student down to the office. For safety reasons, we will not release a child to anyone who has not been included on the student’s registration card. Unless the appointment takes the entire school day, students are expected to attend class before and after their appointment. ​ When checking out early, we are unable to send students out to waiting cars. A parent or guardian must come inside to sign their student out. Lost and Found Please write your student’s name in ALL clothing and accessories with a permanent marker. We encourage students to be personally responsible for their possessions. Students should check the Lost and Found, in the hallway near the gym, for clothing and lunchboxes. Lost and found for small items (rings, watches, etc.) is in the office. At regular intervals throughout the year, all unclaimed items are donated to charity. Notice will be posted at Lost and Found and in the school newsletter. Visitors Family and community members are welcomed and encouraged to participate in school activities, but please arrange volunteer participation in advance. ​ REMEMBER: ALL VOLUNTEERS MUST BE SCREENED ANNUALLY! ​ ​ For the safety of our students, ​ ​ ALL visitors must sign in at the office and wear a Visitors Badge ​ . Unidentified visitors are not allowed on campus. Older siblings in middle school and high are not allowed in the building without express written consent and prior arrangements with licensed staff. Moving If you anticipate a move to another school or district, please inform the school office as soon as possible so that we may assist with making the transition as smooth as possible for your child. Emergency Preparedness It is very important that teachers and staff have your current home, cell, and/or work phone numbers and at least two alternative emergency phone numbers of family, friends or neighbors who will take responsibility for your child if we cannot reach you. This information is confidential. Make sure your child memorizes your phone number for their own safety. ​ If you move or change contact information, please call the school to update emergency contact information. Phone Use While students are welcome to bring cell phones to school, they are not permitted to use them during school hours, including recess. Cell phones are to be turned off and stored in backpacks when students enter the building in the morning and left off until they are dismissed. In the event that a student does not follow this rule, their phone will be taken away and a parent will be asked to come and pick it up. Butler is not responsible for any loss or damage of cell phones or other personal property belonging to students.

Please make arrangements for afterschool plans before arriving at school each day.


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