BHS ELA Instructional Guide

6. Where can I learn more about MAP Growth? What did our pilot teachers/staff find appealing with MAP Growth? Attached to the email message is a brief overview of the pilot and test selection. The last slide highlights observations of Canyons Pilot Teachers. We are also including a link to the NWEA MAP Growth website if you would like additional information. 7. How is MAP Growth regarding student test accommodations? In general, accommodations you have available for RISE and ASPIRE testing are also available in MAP Growth. This is good news for consistency and familiarity for our students! One of the key accommodations is Text-to-Speech (which is a universal feature available to all students in RISE and ASPIRE). Universal Testing Tools available include, Zoom, Highlighter, Line Reader, Answer Eliminator, Calculator (for application items – either standard or scientific, based on grade), and Ruler/Protractor (for application questions). Finally, like RISE and RI, MAP Growth is an untimed test. 8. Can you provide some information about student growth in the MAP Growth test? Student growth is a central feature of the new MAP Growth test! Beginning in the midyear benchmark, students will receive a current level of achievement level (e.g., RIT score, percentile) and also a Growth Score (e.g., conditional growth percentile). Based on national research, there are also projected growth goals for each student. Here are sample reports for teachers, parents and administrators. 9. What grades/classes are taking MAP Growth? ELA students in grades 6-10 will take MAP Growth Reading in Fall, Winter and Spring 2025. High school students in a Literacy class or ELD class will also take MAP Growth (this would include the select number of 11 th or 12 th graders in these courses). Students in grades 6-10 will take MAP Growth Math inFall, Winter and Spring 2025. For high school math it will be students enrolled in Secondary Math 1 and Secondary Math 2. 1. Who do I contact with questions or suggestions? Please contact Hal Sanderson, (Director of Research & Assessment ) or Lora Tuesday Heathfield (Program Evaluation Coordinator) with your testing questions. Please contact your ISD ELA or Math content specialist with Instructional questions regarding MAP Growth!

Useful Links:

● Training Video (12 minute video) ● Canyons Assessment PD & Resources, Select NWEA MAP Growth (Self-Enroll CANVAS course) ● What is the MAP Growth Test (2 minute video) ● NWEA MAP Growth | What’s New for 2024 (13 minute video) ● Proctor Quick Start Guide

● Testing Protocol Script ● Explaining MAP Scores

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 30

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