BHS ELA Instructional Guide

Speaking and Listening 2


5 Investigate information presented in various formats and media in order to make informed decisions anddi ff erentiate between fact and fiction. 6 Interpret credible information presented in various formats and media to make informed decisions. 7-8 Evaluate the credibility of multiple sources of information presented in various formats and media to make informed decisions. 9-10 Interpret and evaluate the credibility of multiple sources of information presented in various formats and media to solve problems and make informed decisions. 11-12 Interpret, evaluate, and integrate multiple sources of information presented in various formats and media to verify the credibility and accuracy of each source, and note any discrepancies among the data in order to make informed decisions. 5 Use age-appropriate language, grammar, volume, and clear pronunciation when speaking or presenting. a. Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and use relevant descriptions, facts, and details to elaborate on main ideas or themes. 6 Use appropriate language, grammar, organization, development, and delivery styles appropriate to purpose and audience for formal or informal contexts. a. Use visual displays of data, including digital media, to convey information and engage the audience. 7-8 Use appropriate language, grammar, organization, development, and delivery styles appropriate to purpose and audience for formal or informal contexts. a. Convey a clear perspective by presenting and citing information, findings, and supporting evidence so that listeners can follow the line of reasoning. 9-10 Use appropriate language, grammar, organization, development, and delivery styles appropriate to purpose and audience for formal or informal contexts. a. Convey a clear perspective by concisely presenting and citing information, findings, and supporting evidence so that listeners can follow the line of reasoning. 11-12 Use appropriate language, grammar, organization, development, and delivery styles appropriate to purpose and audience for formal or informal contexts. a. Strategically use visual displays of data and digital media, to convey information and enhance understanding of presentations. Speaking and Listening 3


Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 166

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