BHS ELA Instructional Guide

End of Unit Writing Competency Example Students trace a character archetype through multiple myths or one myth (i.e. heroic journey or tricksters in myths) and analyze the purpose of these archetypes, exploring the role they play in the myths. Scaffolding in Action

● The Hero’s Journey - Read Write Think - this is an interactive tool that guides students through the Heroic Journey ● Introducing the Hero’s Journey Through Picturebooks list ● Triple Venn Diagram to compare 3 different myths, characters, etc. Multilingual Learners will interpret informational texts in language arts by: ● Analyzing how author choices about character attributes and actions relate to story elements (setting, sequences, and context).

Skill Building

Language Expectations for Multilingual Learners

Source: WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition

Essential Vocabulary ● Relationships (in myths) ● Cultural systems

● Hierarchies ● TheDivine

● Character Deities ● Hubris ● Fate

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 160

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