BHS ELA Instructional Guide

5. Teach Critical Skills, Processes, and Knowledge

Specifc strategy instruction on the characteristics and components of good writing via modeling, explanation, and guided practice.



Writers learn a process in one genre that is largely transferable to other genres.


Best Practices

Critical Components

● Tap into prior knowledge ● Provide students with a step-by-step structure for engaging the writing process ● Use collaborative writing strategies with students ● Model by writing with students ● “Read, Analyze, Imitate. If students can identify strategies, they can begin to use them.” Kelly Gallagher ○ Read the mentor text ○ Analyze the writing moves ○ Try the moves in your own writing

Scaffold writing using learning progressions

Provide mentor texts for students to model their writing after


Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 13

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