BHS ELA Instructional Guide

1. Apply available technologies used in publishing to create designs appropriate for media (e.g., desktop publishing, photo editing, web-based media, word processing). 2. Analyze and apply principles of layout and design to create a visually appealing school publication that effectively communicates to the audience.

Essential Questions ● What role do other forms of media play in journalism? ● How does the layout, design, or use of multimedia impact a reader? ● How can I incorporate media to produce a news story?

End of Unit Writing Competency Example

Students create a news segment using multimedia (video news, podcasting, social media post) to convey a news story. Scaffolding in Action

● Democracy’s Watchdog - News Literacy Project Checkology Lesson ● Press Freedoms Around the World - News Literacy Project Checkology Lesson ● Power in Art: The Watchdog Role of Editorial Cartoonists - News Literacy Project Checkology Lesson ● Create a news media segment for the school’s video announcements or at an assembly (e.g. sports writing video segment for a pep rally) ● Invite a local news journalist to visit the class - Checkology has journalists that will zoom into your classroom for free ● Visit a local news stations for a tour ● Create short video segments for the school’s social media accounts ● Write and produce a news podcast for the school Multilingual Learners will construct informational texts in language arts that: ● Add precision, details, and clarity about complex attributes, qualities, characteristics, activities, and conceptual relationships through … ○ Technical word choices to defne and classify entities ( Jazz, characterized by polyrhythms and improvisation was… ) ● Develop coherence and cohesion throughout text through … ○ Topic and/or entity, headings to serve as openers for sentences and paragraphs

Skill Building


Language Expectations for Multilingual Learners

Source: WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition

Last Updated August 13, 2024

High School ELA, Page 131

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