BHS Health

When Things Don’t Go According to Plan

As we’ve seen in the What I Know Now video, sometimes expectations or assumptions we have about life after high school do turn out as we hoped, and at other times things don’t go according to plan. Here are some examples of what other young adults might say: • I didn’t realize how much money it would cost me to live. • I realized I wasn’t as smart as I thought I was. • There was much more work than I expected and I had no free time. • Even more people seemed to tell me what to do. • I didn’t manage my time well—I got lost in partying, and my grades showed it. • Life was easier, honestly. Less stressful. I just go to work, do my job, and come home. No grades. No pressure to socialize. It’s easier to learn, and if you’re not the best at one thing, your boss finds something else to assign you.

Now consider these questions:

1. Were you surprised by the outcomes the young people in the video described? Why or why not?

2. Which one of these young people did you identify with? Why?

3. Do you think that their original expectations were so off base that they were doomed to failure? (In other words, were they unrealistic?)

4. What were some of the feelings they had about life not matching their expectations?

5. Do you think there were things they could have done to avoid being disillusioned?

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