BHS Health

CANYONS SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICY MANUAL 2.1. The Board of Education will review this policy; and 2.2. TthheefBololoarwdinogf:Education will review local county data provided by the county on 2.2.1. teen pregnancy; 2.2.2. child sex abuse; 2.2.3. sexually transmitted disease and sexually transmitted infections; and 2.3. tohfethneulmocbaelrsocfhpooorl nboogarradp. hy complaints or other instances within the jurisdiction ADMIN-REG: 600.5-5 APPROVED: 6.12.18 ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION—600.5-5 : ( Maturation ) 1. Me aacthu friaf tt hi o- ng r: aEdaecghi rell eamn de nhtearr py asrcehnotos l asnhda lel apcl ha nf i af tnh -egl er ac tdi ev eb mo yaat unrda ht iios np pa rr eong rt sa.m f o r 1.1. Ts ehxeuma l adi ne vpeul or pp omseens toaf nt hd et op reongcroaumr awg ei l ldbi sec ut os spi roonviind et haec chuorma tee. i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t 1.2. Agrtatdheesdmisacyrebteioinnvoiftethdetoscahtoteonl dp.rincipal, students and their parents from other EXHIBITS None REFERENCES U U t t a a h h C C o o d d e e § § 5 5 3 3 G G - - 1 1 0 0 - - 4 4 0 0 1 2 , , D In e s f t i r n u it c i t o io n n s in health – Parental consent requirements UR2ta7h7C-4o7d4e. §S5c3hGo-o1l0I-n4s0tr3u, cRteioqnu iarnedd HpaurmenantaSl ecxounasleintyt. fo r s ex edu catio n ins tr u ctio n FORMS Parent Notification Form CANYONS BOARD OF EDUCATION TI t hdi so eosn nl i on te rperf el escetnut aptdi ao tni ni sg aanc tei vl ei tciterso inni cprreopgrreesses n. t aTthi oe no fof fi ctihael , Ca aunt hy oo rni st aStci vheo oml aDni us tarli ci st ’ as vcauirl ar eb nl et lfyo ar di nosppt ee dc t pi oonl i icny tmh ea n u a l . office of the Superintendent located at 9361 South 300 East Sandy, UT 84070.

Policy—600.5—Sex Education - Page 5 of 5

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