BHS Health

Health II



Unit 1 (HF)

Unit 2 (MEH)

Unit 3 (SAP)

Unit 4 (N)

Unit 5 (HD)

Unit 6 (SDP)

Strand1: 5 Standards 6-8days

Strand2: 6 Standards 6-8days

Strand4: 6 Standards 4-6days

Strand6: 7 Standards 6-8days

Strand3: 9 Standards 10days

Strand5: 7 Standards 6-8days

Suggested Pacing

1-Health Foundations and Protective Factors of Healthy Self

2-Mental and Emotional Health

4-Substance Abuse Prevention


6-Human Development May be broken into: Healthy

3-Safety and Disease Prevention


Relationships Sexual Health

Unit 1: Understanding Prevention Unit 2: Decision Making for Health

Unit 5: Managing Stress Anger and Other Emotions Lifelines Lessons

Unit 3: Risk-Taking and Substance Abuse Unit 4: The Media and Health (2)


Unit 6: Family Communications (2) Unit 7: Health Relationships (2)


Botvinor Lifelines Lessons

Day windows allow for fexibility for beginning/end of semester school related activities and instruction

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