Brighton 6 word memoir
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BRIGHTON HIGH SCHOOL Memories of the pandemic in 6 words
FAMILY & FRIENDS The part where families and friends bonded, traveled, fought, spent time together, and learned with each other.
CHANGE The part where we moved, learned to drive, changed our hair, lost loved ones, and tried new hobbies.
DICHOTOMY The part where we learned that two opposing feelings can happen at the same time. We were happy and sad, changed but the same, rejoicing and suffering.
DISCOMFORT The part where we had surgeries, got sick, had plans cancelled, and felt lots of emotions.
JOBS The part where we worked a lot.
ISOLATION The part where we were lonely, we wanted connection, felt lost, and were stuck at home
ADAPTATION The part where we got dogs, looked for the positive, helped others, played music and sports, wrote and drew.
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