BHS Social Studies
POSSIBLE GUIDING AND INQUIRY QUESTIONS ● How is political power distributed? How can it be attained? ● What political power do individuals possess? ● What are issues that cause friction between local, state, sovereign tribal, and/or the federal government, and how can these tensions be resolved? ● What functions do political parties serve? ● How do people determine their af fi liations with political parties, special interest groups, or other causes or movements? ● What role do lobbyists and special interest groups play in political processes? VOCABULARY ● Governments: ○ National
○ State ○ Tribal ○ Local
● Political Ideologies ● Political af fi liations ● Political parties ● Special interest groups ● Political Action Committees ● Citizens United v. FEC ● President’s cabinet ● Bureaucratic rulemaking process ● Sovereign tribes ● Lobbyists
Constitution of the United States of America Supreme Court House of Representatives Senate White House We the People - Functions of the Constitution ASSESSMENTS
Use PLC CFAs (Common Formative Assessments.
Sample End of Unit Competency: Students will explain the distribution of power among national, state, tribal, and local governments in order to identify how needs are met by governance systems.
Key Language Use: Explain
● Language function: Analyze ○ Describe ○ Compare ○ Identify ○ Summarize
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