BHS Social Studies
■ Students will craft an argument regarding the role of government in responding to economic conditions after learning about capitalism and other economic systems. ○ Learning Intention #2: ■ Students will craft an argument regarding the role of government in responding to economic conditions after learning about historic cycles of boom and bust. ○ Learning Intention #3: ■ Students will craft an argument regarding the role of government in responding to economic conditions after learning about the New Deal. NOTE: Students should develop skills associated with history to construct arguments using historical thinking skills. Of particular importance in a United States history course is developing the reading, thinking, and writing skills of historians. These skills are vertically aligned throughout the curriculum guide with the intent to support the skills needed for students to become critical thinkers and to think like an historian. ● Historical Thinking Skills: U.S. II Standard 5 ○ Corroboration • What do other documents say? • What claims does the author make? • What evidence does the author use? • What language (words, phrases, images, symbols) does the author use to persuade the document's audience? • How does the document's language indicate the author's perspective? POSSIBLE GUIDING AND INQUIRY QUESTIONS ● What were the post World War I economic conditions and policies that led to the economic boom of the 1920s? ● What are the pros and cons of government involvement during the economic crises? ● How and why are segments of a population affected differently by periods of economic boom and bust? ● What was the impact of New Deal policies on the Great Depression? ● What is the relationship between economic factors and international con fl icts? ● How did the Great Depression affect families? ● What role did the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl play in the extensive internal migration of this era? ACADEMIC VOCABULARY ● Great Depression ● Welfare State ● New Deal ● Economic boom and bust ● Dust Bowl ● Credit ● Stock Market ● Demographic trends ● Capitalism • Do the documents agree? If not, why? • What are other possible documents? • What documents are most reliable? ○ Close Reading
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