BHS Social Studies

● Historical Thinking Skills: WG Standard 5: ○ Application of the following skills: ■ Sourcing ■ Contextualization

■ Corroboration ■ Close Reading

POSSIBLE GUIDING AND INQUIRY QUESTIONS ● What and who de fi nes a state as developed?

● How does culture manifest itself in the development of economic systems? ● How does geography in fl uence the ways in which people make a living? ● Why have some regions developed more rapidly than others? ● What are some of the economic patterns evident in more-developed and less-developed countries? ● Why are economic activities sometimes located in unexpected or unconventional places?

● What are the challenges of sustainable development? ● How is varied economic development globally distributed? ● How does economic interdependence contribute to globalization? VOCABULARY ● political structures

● consumption of goods ● interdependence

● physical characteristics ● human characteristics ● developed economy ● developing economy ● primary sector ● secondary sector ● tertiary sectors ● distribution

● sustainability ● poverty rates

● standards of living ● indigenous people ● gender equality

● capitalism ● socialism ● communism


Upfront Magazine (world factbook) Dollar Street Human Development Index ASSESSMENTS


Use PLC CFAs (Common Formative Assessments.)

Sample End of Unit Competency: WG Standard 5.1: Students will explain the essential attributes of a developed economy and the patterns of development that differentiate less-developed from more-developed places.

Key Language Use: Explain

● Language function: Explain ○ Infer ○ Analyze

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