BHS Social Studies

■ Students will explain key economic concepts.

○ Learning Intention #2: ■

Students will explain key economic concepts’ implications for the production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. ● WG Standard 5.4: Students will cite examples of various levels of economic interdependence between nations and peoples. ○ Learning Intention #1: ■ Students will cite examples of various levels of economic interdependence between nations. ○ Learning Intention #2: ■ Students will cite examples of various levels of economic interdependence between peoples. UNIT #5 WG 5.5 PACING RESOURCES:

● Upfront Magazine ● (world factbook) ● Dollar Street ● Human Development Index

Full Year Course:

● Quarter Four (about 1.5 weeks) ● Second Trimester (about 1 week) ● One semester (about 4 days) ● One Trimester (about 2 days)

Semester Course:

STANDARDS ● WG Standard 5.5: Students will describe the costs, bene fi ts, and sustainability of development in terms of poverty rates, standards of living, the impact on indigenous people, environmental changes, gender equality, and access to education. CONCEPTS (Nouns) SKILLS (Verbs) ● Sustainability of development ● Poverty rates ● Describe

● Standards of living ● Indigenous people ● Environmental changes ● Gender Equality ● Access to Education




Bene fi ts

Sustainability of Development

Poverty Rates

Standards of Living

Impact on Indigenous

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