BHS Social Studies

NOTE: Students should develop skills associated with social studies to construct arguments using historical thinking skills. Of particular importance in a geography course is developing the reading, thinking, and writing skills of historians. These skills are vertically aligned throughout the curriculum guide with the intent to support the skills needed for students to become critical thinkers and to think like an historian. ● Historical Thinking Skills: WG Standard 4: ○ Corroboration • What do other documents say? • What claims does the author make? • What evidence does the author use? • What language (words, phrases, images, symbols) does the author use to persuade the document's audience? • How does the document's language indicate the author's perspective? POSSIBLE GUIDING AND INQUIRY QUESTIONS ● Why do people live where they live? ● Why do people move, sometimes at great risk to themselves? ● How might population trends in fl uence aspects of daily life at local, regional, or global scales? ● Why are urbanization patterns different around the world? ● How can governmental policies have both intended and unintended consequences on population and migration? • Do the documents agree? If not, why? • What are other possible documents? • What documents are most reliable? ○ Close Reading

● What are the costs and bene fi ts of mass urbanization? ● Why do differing political systems cause con fl ict? ● How and why do people organize themselves into political entities? VOCABULARY ● Anarchy

● Oligarchy ● Dictatorship ● Theocracy ● Political boundaries ● State (country)

● Autocracy ● Democracy ● Monarchy


Upfront Magazine (world factbook) icivics ASSESSMENTS


Use PLC CFAs (Common Formative Assessments.)

Sample End of Unit Competency: WG Standard 4.3 : Students will explain how cooperation and con fl ict have many causes, such as differing ideas regarding boundaries, resource control, and land use, as well as ethnic, tribal and national identities.

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