BHS Social Studies

POSSIBLE GUIDING AND INQUIRY QUESTIONS ● What are the essential de fi ning characteristics of culture?

● How does culture manifest itself on the landscape of the earth? ● How does culture in fl uence social structures and gender roles? ● What role does globalization and emerging technologies have on the divergence and convergence of culture? ● How do cultures maintain their identity? ● How are humans shaped by and in fl uenced by their own cultures? ● How do cultures remain resilient? ● How do cultures retain their traditions?

● How can learning about other cultures teach us about our own? ● What effect does globalization have on the spread of culture? VOCABULARY

● culture ● gender

○ Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time. (World Health Organization.

(n.d.). Gender and health . World Health Organization.

● diffusion ● language ● ethnicity ● religion

○ Hinduism ○ Buddhism ○ Judaism ○ Christianity ○ Islam

RESOURCES Upfront Magazine Inside Mecca- DVD Discovery Atlas DVD series Globe Trekker Dialect Map of the United States Harvard Dialect Survey (click on maps and results) Peter Menzel - Material World ASSESSMENTS


Use PLC CFAs (Common Formative Assessments.)

Sample End of Unit Competency: WG Standard 3.1: Students will identify and describe the essential de fi ning characteristics, and functions of culture.

Key Language Use: Inform

● Language function: Describe ○ Identify

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