BHS Social Studies

Population Distribution and Migration

Unit 2



● Con fl ict ● Compromise ● Progress

Full Year Course: ● Quarter One/Two (about 6.5 weeks) ● First Trimester (about 4.5 weeks) Semester Course:

● One semester (3.5 weeks) ● One Trimester (Two weeks)


The movement and distribution of people is in fl uenced by many factors, including environmental, cultural, economic, and geopolitical forces. These migration trends alter geographic conditions. Geographers use data to understand population distribution and migration by looking at population characteristics, push and pull factors, and numerous other variables. Analyzing this data offers an opportunity to examine complex and challenging real-world issues. UTAH STANDARDS Core Standards: Suggested Prioritized Standards are bolded and underlined. (Educators who are teaching geography as a semester course might choose to prioritize the bolded and underlined standards.) ● WG Standard 2.1: Students will evaluate the impact of global population distribution patterns by analyzing and comparing demographic characteristics such as: gender, age, ethnicity, population density by using maps, population pyramids, and other geographic data. ○ Learning Intention #1: ■ Students will evaluate the impact of global population distribution patterns by analyzing demographic characteristics such as: ● gender ● age ● ethnicity ● population density by using maps ○ Learning Intention #2: ■ Students will evaluate the impact of global population distribution patterns by comparing demographic characteristics such as: ● gender ● age ● ethnicity ● population density by using maps ● population pyramids ● other geographic data

● population pyramids ● other geographic data

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