BHS Secondary Literacy Map
Paired Reading Implementation Guide Successful implementation is measured by observing the following: Are students grouped in pairs? Are students reading out loud? Are student’s eyes on text? rHeaodwinmgu(cchontismume dpitdiosntuodf etenxtst)s?pend Start Time: End Time At erxet sbtyu ds teonpt ps iinngt earta tcht ien egnwd i ot hf at h e
page and discussing the text? Iasc at hdee mt eiaccfheeerdgbiavci kn ga npdo s i t i v e reinforcement for students on task? Irso ot hme ltiesat ec hn ei nrgmt oo vsitnugd ea nr ot su na nd dt h e asking questions? Irse at hdei nr eg el ovgi dt eonscuemo fuapnt he xe i rt et iacdkientgo r
for the day? Action Plan: Follow-up Date:
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