BHS Physics Guide

Electric Currents & Circuits


Quarter 4

McGraw Hill Module 19

● an electric current causes a magnetic feld and that a changing magnetic feld causes an electric current. Students describe why the data will provide information relevant to the purpose of the investigation: ● citing specifc cause-effect relationships ● an observable effect of a magnetic feld that is uniquely related to the presence of an electric current in the circuit, ● an electric current in the circuit that is uniquely related to the presence of a changing magnetic feld near the circuit. ● to describe why these effects seen must be causal and not correlational, citing specifc cause-effect relationships. Planning for this investigation In the investigation plan, students describe: ● The use of a circuit, including how it’s powered, the shape of the circuit and the types and positions of detectors ● How the current is measured in the circuit ● How a magnetic feld is measured near the circuit ● A method for changing the magnetic feld near the circuit or a way of determining when the magnetic feld is changing Collecting the data Students collect and record: ● electric currents and magnetic felds Refning the design Students evaluate their assessment including: ● The accuracy and precision of the data, as well as limitations (e.g., cost, risk, time,) of the investigation, and make suggestions and refnement ● The ability of the data to provide the evidence required) If necessary, students refne the investigational plan to produce more accurate, precise, and/or useful data


Skill Building

STEM Unit Project- Have students apply what they learned in their module to their Unit Projects


Data Analysis Lab: Does Ohm’s Law apply to nichrome wires? (p. 544)



ELA CONNECTIONS ● Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate;

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