BHS Physics Guide

Refection and Refraction


Quarter 3

McGraw Hill Module 16

Refection of Light

Focus Question: Why does light refected from a mirror make an image while light refected from a piece of paper does not?

● Chromebook ● Paper and Pencil ● PlaneMirrors ● Laser pointer ● White paper ● White marker board ● Straight pins ● Corkboard ● Ruler ● Protractor ● PVC plastic plumbingT ● Rubberbands ● Wooden block ● Tinted acrylic ● thumbtacks

Explore and Explain:

409 414

100 mins

Teacher Presentation: Refection of Light Interactive Content: Refection of Light Forensics Lab: A Little Time to Refect Quick Demo pg 410: Refecting Surfaces Interactive Content: The Law of Refection Interactive Content: Plane-Mirror Images PhysicsLAB: Position of Mirror Refection Practice Problems



Return to DQB and Focus Question

● Chromebook 15 mins



Formative Evaluation Lesson Check: Refection of Light Engage: What are some advantages and disadvantages of curved mirrors compared to plane mirrors?

● Chromebook ● DQB

Lesson2: Curved Mirrors


10 mins

● Chromebook 60

Explore and Explain:

415 -

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