BHS Physics Guide
Forces in One Dimension
Quarter 1
McGraw Hill Module 4
● the net force on an object, its mass (which is held constant), and its acceleration (e.g., via tables, graphs, charts, vector drawings). Identifying Relationships Students use tools, technologies, and/or models to analyze the data and identify and describe relationships in the datasets, including: ● How different masses experiencing the same net force accelerate differently. ● How different net forces on a given object produce different accelerations. ● How gravitation is a constant acceleration as evidenced by the fact that the ratio of net force to mass remains constant. Interpreting Data Students use the analyzed data as: ● Evidence to describe that the relationship between the observed quantities is accurately modeled across the range of data by the formula a = Fnet/m (e.g., double force yields double acceleration, etc.). ● Empirical evidence to distinguish between causal and correlational relationships linking force, mass, and acceleration. ● Empirical evidence to express the relationship Fnet=ma in terms of causality, namely that a net force on an object causes the object to accelerate.
Skill Building
STEM Unit Project- Have students apply what they learned in their module to their Unit Projects Data Analysis Lab: How does weight change during a rocket launch? (p. 109)
Standard 1.1
ELA CONNECTIONS ● Cite specifc textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. ● Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. ● Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, refection, and research. MATH CONNECTIONS ● Reason abstractly and quantitatively. ● Model with mathematics.
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