Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department

Deadlines & Late Work

Grades should be a summary communication about a student’s achievement, not about a behavior. Reducing marks/scores for work submitted late distorts both achievement and motivation. Instead of penalizing, teachers provide support to the student to help them learn the material such as extended time and additional teaching. ● Deadlines provide a targeted timeline for students to show mastery of skills and standards aligned to designed units of learning. ● Deadlines are a support for learning, time management, and organization for students.



Expected Best Practices

Outdated Practices

● No academic penalty for late work. ● Set and communicate expected deadlines with parents and students. ● Have supports in place when students do not meet the deadlines (time in class, after school structure, small group instruction during class) ● Natural consequences for late work (e.g. reduction in citizenship grades, College Career Ready Skills) ● Timely feedback on submitted assignments. ● Deadlines are timely so the work being completed pertains to the standards students are currently learning in class. ● School-wide policy aligned with expected best practices.

● Student grades are “docked” a certain

percentage when work is turned in late. ● No supports in place when students need additional time or teacher help. ● Deadlines are ambiguous. ● Deadlines are not communicated to students and parents. ● Students do not receive specifc feedback on work, or feedback is given late and students can not use it to improve. ● No positive reinforcement for meeting deadlines. ● Inconsistent procedures and deadlines across school.

Implementation Standards


The purpose of retakes is to provide additional opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery. Retakes can be applied to any type of student work that is included in the student’s academic grade, including, but not limited to, practice and assessment. ● Students may need multiple opportunities over time to solidify instruction, receive feedback upon performance, act upon feedback, improve learning, and demonstrate new understanding. ● Reassessment recognizes that students have surpassed their previous levels of profciency and gives students the opportunity to demonstrate



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