Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Protocols for Designing Team Assessments
Step 1
Use an existing assessment and name the targets behind each question • Teams look at assessments that are currently available and embedded in the curriculum. • Teams then review, modify and approve pre-developed assessments.
• Unpack the standard(s) • Question by question • Learning targets
• Match learning expectation and cognitive demand of the standard • Turn to your partner and create a list of current available assessments
Step 2
Divide parts of an existing assessment among team members and develop section • Unpack in the standard(s). • Team divides up parts of the assessment that need to be reviewed or developed. • Each team member is responsible for a section of the assessment. • Teacher teams then review the entire assessment before launching their instruction.
Step 3
Write the assessment together target by target and question by question • Select a learning target(s)
• Unpack the standard(s) • Select the passage (ELA)
• Teachers use sticky notes and write three to fve questions • Team members place the sticky notes in the center of the table • Teams will have 15-25 questions • Sort into piles according to levels of rigor to create an item bank of leveled questions (DOK) • Lower level, good summative, rigorous questions • Decide which questions will be used for a common formative(s) or classroom assessing. Individually develop assessments, and collectively check for alignment and rigor • Each member of the team writes their own assessment for classroom use. • After the assessments have been written the team reviews and approves all the assessments.
Step 4
Erkens, C. (2016). Collaborative common assessments: Teamwork. Instruction. Results . Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press, a division of Solution Tree
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