Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department

Inclusive Decision Making Methods to make all voices heard

“Inclusive decision-making is about interacting WITH others and allowing them to the space to be heard and treated with dignity and respect. It provides opportunities for those affected by decisions to be included in the decision-making process. This contributes to an inclusive culture where all voices are valued and accounted for, ultimately leading to greater cooperation and follow-through of the decisions that are made.” Modified from: Wachtel & Costello (2009), The Restorative Practices Handbook, pg 87 There are three types of methods decision making methods, as listed below: Majority Rule, Fair Process, and Consensus. All three methods have an appropriate time and place; however the most inclusive methods to make all voices heard are Fair Process and Consensus. These methods allow input from all parties involved in the decision, even if the outcome is not the preferred outcome of every person involved.

Click here for more information on inclusive decision making with Fair Process and Consensus

Majority Rule

Fair Process


Decision is determined according to the highest number of votes Can maintain privacy, be a faster process May result in minority groups and opinions being left out

One clear decision making body Opportunity for input and discussion

Enables all group members to be invested Requires respectful dialogue and compromise Decision is agreed upon by the collective

Three part engagement process and communication

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