Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department

Proactive Circles Inclusive means of bringing people together and building community The circle process is a format that helps to create community as well as assist in conflict resolution. Circles create a safe space that lifts barriers between people and opens the possibilities for connection, collaboration, and mutual understanding. Participants gain valuable life skills that contribute to improved relationships, academic success, and an ability to make connections in the future. Proactive circles help to intentionally build positivity, relationships, and community from the start of the school year. Using proactive circles, teachers can create the following in their classroom: ● A place of belonging ● Relevance and engagement ● A place to build social skills ● Connection ● A place for targeted inquiry

Click here for a handbook on how to do circles

Sources: Chicago Public Schools (2017) and Kerri Berkowitz (2020)

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