○ Provide an outline of your course schedule. ○ This can be weekly or monthly. ○ It is highly recommended that your schedule is clearly and consistently labeled, and contains dates and times if/when appropriate. ○ It is recommended that your schedule corresponds with the course modules. This is to support students and parent locate content and assessments within the course.
Training Resources ● How do I add an image to a content page? ● How do I edit a content page? ● How do I use Commons? ● How do I preview resources in Commons? ● How do I import and view a Commons resource?
Modules (Exemplars) Modules allow you to organize your content to help control the fow of your course. In the Canyons School District, modules should be organized by weeks, key concepts or units. These key concepts could be as short as a day or two of instruction or as long as multiple weeks. ● It is important to clearly and consistently label the modules. ● It is highly recommended that you check your module naming conventions to verify that they are clearly and consistently labeled to support your students and parents/guardians. ○ Example: March 30 - April 3 ○ Example: 3/30 - 4/03: Transmath Tape Diagrams & Proportions ○ Example: Week 1 | 10/12 - 10/23 ● Note : If you already have a naming convention for your modules, determine whether or not your modules are labeled in a way that supports students and parents/guardians. Ask yourself the following questions: ○ Can students and parents/guardians easily fnd and identify the modules within your Canvas course? ○ Can students and parents/guardians easily fnd the module that contains the content they are looking for? ○ Is there anything with my naming convention that could be misleading or confusing to students and parents/guardians? ● The frst page of each module is a content page that describes the learning intentions, success criteria, and a sequenced list of the weekly/module to do list. ● Modules may include the following content: ○ Content pages ○ Assignments ○ Discussion boards ○ Files ○ External links ○ Quizzes ● When modules contain 10 or more items, modules should be broken into smaller pieces. Larger modules can be broken into smaller modules. ○ Alternatively, modules can be broken into smaller pieces using text headers.
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